Many people across the world who have suffered an ‘illness’ have found relief through spiritual healing. That’s because spiritual healing assists the whole body to heal on all four levels: Spiritual, Emotional, Mental & Physical (and not just the physical body where the symptom presents).
People suffering emotional trauma, pain and distress are warmly invited to email us with requests for inclusionin our Absent Healing & Prayer Books. Contact us for a FREE absent healing and to be placed in our Absent Healing Book.


Every Friday, the day of Venus, Eagle Lodge Spiritual Centre undertakes Absent/Distant Healings for those of you, who contact us and request for inclusion. If you have a prayer request, let us know, so it can be sent out to all ELSC members and you can feel the nurturing and healing love energies from us all. Connect any time on a Friday (your time) and be part of the Healing Ceremony in your heart and spirit.
The healing will be set up to take as much as is needed, for as long as needed. Imagine this wonderful ‘cosmic bank’ where healings have been stored for use. Just call (withdraw) as much as you want and need. There are No Limits! Absent Healing will also be sent to all in the family.


Prayer is one of the greatest tools in our Spiritual armoury. If a friend or family member needs the healing power of prayer, you are warmly invited to email us and have their names placed in our Healer Prayer Roll.
Special Prayers are also said for those who are about to pass over, and for those who have passed, leaving loved ones unsettled. Simple advise us of your needs and we will give you our help with the guidance and love of ‘Spirit’.